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New FEB Information Section on Website

New FEB Information section added to the website for member only access.

Anglers Seek Action on Cormorants to Save Rural Businesses

The Angling Trust has written to Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon MP asking him to to reduce the red tape tangling up the process for applying for a licence to control fish-eating birds, which cause untold damage the UK’s £3.5 billion angling industry. Many angling clubs and fisheries which have been in existence for generations are struggling to survive, putting at risk vital direct and indirect rural employment. Without adequate fish stocks, their rivers or lakes cease to attract visiting and local anglers.

Jane Davidson’s Response to the SC Recommendations

The long awaited Response from Jane Davidson to the Sustainability Committee Report and Recommendations on Access to Inland Water was released on the 22nd September.

Environment Agency Wales New Byelaws

The Environment Agency Wales are advertising new byelaws that will affect the way you fish the Usk.

Continue reading using the link below to learn about the byelaws in more detail.

Usk Fishing Association

The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park

Tel. 01873 810414