Usk Fishing Association (UFA) offers you the opportunity to support our efforts towards conserving the river Usk and its catchment, keeping our waterways clean and healthy, caring for the flora and fauna, and maintaining a balance between the environment and modern life.
We have plans that need volunteers to help in the following areas:
- Habitat management: Current plans include picking up litter along the length of the river Usk and clearing storm damage.
- Education: Giving opportunities for people to get to know more about the ecology of the river and how to have healthy and clean waterways. Are you a teacher or academic and can spend some time teaching in schools locally? For example, being involved in such activities as litter picking are opportunities for people to get to know more about the ecology of the river and how to have healthy and clean waterways.
- Clean water: Any other ideas that you have that will support making and maintaining the river Usk and its catchment area with healthy and clean waterways. For instance, you can help looking after the river by reporting incidents such as pollution from sewerage discharges, fly tipping and illegal dumping. The Natural Resources Wales (NRW) phone number to report such problems is 0800 807060. It is useful when reporting if you have a post code near to the problem, or better still a Grid Reference.
- Tourism: Any other ideas that you have that will support and enhance tourism to the River Usk and its many Tributaries.
- Membership: help recruit individual, family, corporate members to allow UFA to operate and make a difference to the River Usk.
If you know of a River Group that is active in looking after any areas on the river please contact us. Or if you wish to form a group, please let us know.
The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park
Tel. 01873 810414