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Notes on informal meeting between Harry Legge-Bourke, Richard Bell and Julian Atkins BBNPA 24th September 2012

This meeting comprised a follow-up discussion to the meeting between Harry Legge-Bourke and Gez Richards (BBNPA SPLASH Project Officer) regarding the potential for canoe access on the river Usk. A wide range of matters were discussed, summarised as follows.

UUFA Chairman to meet with WAG, EA and CCW re FEB Cull

UUFA Chairman, Harry Legge-Bourke is to meet with representatives from WAG, EA and CCW at Glanusk to discuss the recent river wide application made by UUFA

Application for a license to kill/take Cormorants/Goosanders/ Mergansers under Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended)

UUFA Chairman, Harry Legge-Bourke applies to WAG for a river-wide licnese to kill FEB’s.

Compulsory release of salmon and sea trout on two further rivers to safeguard stocks

New byelaws have come into force on the Taff and Ely rivers in south Wales this week aimed at safeguarding its salmon and sea trout population, Environment Agency Wales has confirmed.

The byelaws require the mandatory release of all salmon and sea trout caught by anglers on both of these rivers.

Usk Fishing Association

The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park

Tel. 01873 810414