Safeguarding the future of the river Usk.
Application for a license to kill/take Cormorants/Goosanders/ Mergansers under Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended)
UUFA have decided to start acting in a proactive manner and therefore is applying to the Wales Government to grant a river wide and tributary cull twice a year during the spawning and smolt runs. The dates will be flexible to a degree and liaison with EA(W) as weather and water conditions will dictate when the predators are at their highest numbers on the river. This is one small measure against a wave of actions required in order to sustain the River Usk and its tributaries.
At the recent AGM of UUFA a vote was taken to act and 100% support was given and after subsequent correspondence 95% of owners, angling clubs and individual fishermen and women on the USK all agreed that UUFA should take these small steps immediately.
Click below ro read the full letter:
The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park
Tel. 01873 810414