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Notes on informal meeting between Harry Legge-Bourke, Richard Bell and Julian Atkins BBNPA 24th September 2012

The meeting comprised a follow-up discussion to the meeting between HL-B and Gez Richards (BBNPA SPLASH Project Officer) regarding the potential for canoe access on the river Usk. A wide range of matters were discussed, summarised as follows:

• HL-B is Chairman of the United Usk Fishermen’s Association which comprises 143 riparian owners from mouth to source.

• HL-B explained some of the issues on the river Usk regarding the state of the fishery. There is real and strong concern amongst members of UUFA that the river system and fishery are at crisis point for a number of reasons (including but not limited to abstraction, catchment management, pollution, climate change, predation, lack of recreational controls etc.) and that there was an urgent need to positively manage the river.

• The Wye and Usk Foundation had spent significant sums of money protecting habitat along the river system and it will become clear in the next 5 – 7 years whether or not that investment is sufficient to ensure the fishery can remain viable. In the mean time more work is needed.

• The Upper Usk Catchment covers a significant proportion of the National Park and BBNPA should therefore be engaging with the issue in terms of educating visitors/recreation users and helping to regulate/monitor activity. HL-B offered to make a presentation to BBNPA’s Corporate Management Team to help raise awareness.

Action Point 1: JA to add to future agenda and invite HLB to make presentation

• HL-B highlighted that communication between UUFA and BBNPA had been poor in the past and JA acknowledged that communication could be improved significantly through regular dialogue. HL-B also felt strongly that BBNPA Wardens should be more involved in assisting with the management of the river. It was acknowledged that training in river management would be required if Warden involvement was to be pursued is this way. HLB also suggested that BBNPA should consider attending meetings of, or becoming a Corporate Member of UUFA. He also proposed that there would be a benefit to both organisations to have liaison meetings on a regular basis. JA agreed that more regular liaison would be beneficial to both parties and offered to attend UUFA’s AGM in Dec/Jan.

Action Point 2: HL-B to consider inviting BBNPA representative to attend UUFA AGM.

• RB explained that BBNPA employed 12 wardens covering the entire NP and that they did not usually operate on privately owned land (other than in terms of rights of way management). JA added that the Warden’s current land management priority is to undertake conservation land management work in the uplands, largely on BBNPA estate.

Action Point 3: JA and RB to review the overlap of the Usk catchment with current NPA work programmes.

• HLB reiterated that the Usk was highly stressed and that unmanaged canoe access and wild swimming were not acceptable as they could add to the problem. HLB recognised the demand for canoe access and stated that this should be managed using Voluntary Access Agreements . UUFA members would very much welcome a clear policy commitment from BBNPA towards VAAs being the way forward and this, coupled with stronger engagement on river management issues, could provide the necessary foundation for subsequent development and strengthening of VAAs.

• RB confirmed that the National Assembly for Wales Inquiry into Access to Inland Water had recommended that Voluntary Access Agreements were the way forward in Wales. As a public body BBNPA officers have taken this approach and the basis for recreation access negotiations with Welsh Water and JA gave a brief outline of the Reservoirs Passport Scheme which is nearing implementation stage as a 12 month pilot scheme . However it was agreed that BBNPA did not have a formal policy on this matter.

Usk Fishing Association

The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park

Tel. 01873 810414

Join the UFA and help to safeguard the future of the River Usk.