On Monday 28 March, Defra launched their Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) campaign based around the slogan ‘clean, check, dry’. This campaign is supported by a large number of organisations (including ourselves), and groups such as the Royal Yachting Association, Canoeists, Anglers, British Waterways and many more.
Catch and Release Information
Please find attached a leaflet from EA Wales with information on best practise for catch and realease.
Killer Shrimp — Update
An interesting article from the BCC on the Killer Shrimp. A professor from Cardiff University gives his opinion on the opening day of the fishing season.
Red Vent Syndrome — Notice from EA Wales.
With the fishing season now underway, can we all please remain vigilant for identifying and reporting Red Vent Syndrome which remains a problem for Salmon returning to Spawn. Around a third of all returning Salmon have Red Vent Syndrome.
The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park
Tel. 01873 810414
Email. info@uskfishing.org