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Successful prosecution for illegal fishing on Usk

A man from Pontypool received fines and costs for illegally fishing on a private stretch of water on the River Usk.  Mr Amos Dixon pleaded guilty to fishing in October 2024 without a rod licence on water in which there was a private right of fishery, namely the River Usk at Usk.

Following a report from a member of the public, Gwent Police Officers secured evidence on Mr Dixon, who was confirmed to be fishing without a rod licence and with permission. The magistrates agreed and sentenced him at Newport Magistrates Court on Friday, 17 January 2025 with fines and costs totalling £925.

PC Mark Powell, who is seconded to NRW (Natural Resources Wales) must be congratulated on identifying Mr Dixon and bringing him so quickly to court.  A second man, who was also fishing, remains unidentified.

Usk Fishing Association

The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park

Tel. 01873 810414

Join the UFA and help to safeguard the future of the River Usk.