Safeguarding the future of the river Usk.
Successful prosecution for illegal fishing on Usk

A man from Pontypool received fines and costs for illegally fishing on a private stretch of water on the River Usk. Mr Amos Dixon pleaded guilty to fishing in October 2024 without a rod licence on water in which there was a private right of fishery, namely the River Usk at Usk.
Following a report from a member of the public, Gwent Police Officers secured evidence on Mr Dixon, who was confirmed to be fishing without a rod licence and with permission. The magistrates agreed and sentenced him at Newport Magistrates Court on Friday, 17 January 2025 with fines and costs totalling £925.
PC Mark Powell, who is seconded to NRW (Natural Resources Wales) must be congratulated on identifying Mr Dixon and bringing him so quickly to court. A second man, who was also fishing, remains unidentified.
The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park
Tel. 01873 810414