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Hatcheries in Wales — Note from the Chairman

Dear Members and Supporters of UFA

Some of you will know that the NRW is carrying out a review of hatcheries in Wales. This conference was exceptional timing as far as this review went. I commend in the strongest possible way that every member watch as I have done every key presentation on the pro and cons of stocking. As a fast version to get a fairly good understanding, I suggest you look at : David Solomon, Ken Whelan, Kyle Young and Roger Knight from the Spey. We will have to make a decision on this very soon, and as Chairman, I would request that members get themselves informed by science and operationally on hatcheries and the effects of them, both positive and negative. I noticed a number of UFA members were present in Glasgow at this conference, therefore, in order to keep up with them, please do find time to watch and listen to some very well informed specialists.

Click here to Listen

We will touch on this at the AGM in a few weeks time.

Harry Legge-Bourke

Usk Fishing Association

The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park

Tel. 01873 810414

Join the UFA and help to safeguard the future of the River Usk.