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Update note from the Chairman

Harry Legge-Bourke attended the LUFG last for the 1st time and was happy to see members of UUFA in attendance representing their clubs and other organisations. This group is set up by EA(W) and is used for feedback and a vehicle for EA to get thoughts and ideas.

Chris Rees gave a very good update as to EA Wales job spec, remit and where the organisation is going.

The key points from the meeting are as follows and are in no particular order:

The Usk River and catchment area via reports to WAG and EA and CCW is though the Water Framework Directive and Habitat Directive : AT RISK.
We hope that the River Usk and tributaries do pick up in the next 2 years through our efforts, otherwise we will have statutory and mandatory laws passed by WAG and implemented by EA or the new single body. There are mitigation issues on the usk that have not been acted on yet, I.E stocking or laws on catch and release. This is an area the committe will be discussing at the next Committee meeting.

It was noted that there are very few trout in the upper brooks and the phrase ‘death by a thousand cuts’ was used to describe many aspects of the river productivity and lack of fish.

Lack of Ballifs and Enforcement. This is being looked into by EA and Steve Barker. We need to use the 0800 number more if we see anything. The Chairman asked about south wales and Gwent Environment protection Police Officers names. EA are going to come back with this info. The Chairman is still talking to the EA about having EA USK Bailiffs.

EA will monitor British water ways when they clean parts of the canal and let alien fish into the river.

Everyone must monitor tributaries for fish of all sorts and we need to liaise with all parties to make sure this is done to see if the new measures by EA and WUF are working. It was clear that there has been a tremendous amount of success in some tributaries with the production of smolts.

Predation: The Chairman reported that the UUFA are planning to cover the whole river in 2 ‘hits’. The Chairman is liaising with CCW and EA on this issue and will be asking committee members for information regarding guns and access very soon.

Barrage: The general view was that we would be burning 000’s of £ if we started to oppose this. Simon Evans form WUF and EA both agreed that if the Barrage does start it means that the Habitat Directive from Europe has been steam rollered over, very illegal and very costly to UK PLC. The Chairman suggested that in the mean time we could spend that sort of money elsewhere on some very positive aspects of the river.

WUF are applying for the next round of funding for the Usk now, and as soon as they have it, The Committee will talk immediately to you and to WUF to see where it is best spent.

Certain members of LUFG see UUFA as the vehicle to be the loan voice for the Catchment, The Chairman agreed with this and stated that all the other entities must be still active untill the UUFA shows its teeth a bit more and can stand on its own. It was clear that UUFA should be the political animal for all stakeholders in the Usk Catchment, from still course lake, pond, river and local commerce. The EA want a single voice for the river especially when the new single body comes into action. Its easier for them, more efficient and more productive to have one voice.

The Chairman is very keen that the River Usk and Catchment has only one body with one voice, and that body has all the people under its wing who also pay for the pleasure of having a strong voice. UUFA members are urged to express their opinions on the matter of funding and can do this via contributing to a discussion on this on our website. To date, no-one has said anything on the website so the Chairman urges all members to please contribute.

The good news from Lower Usk water is that Coleg Gwent have an agreement in principle negotiated by Gary Davies, Robert Melvin and John Butt, which will see a trial period for this and next year.

The Chairman has spoken to Welsh water reference pollution and sampling. Helen Harisson has the number and name of the main man as does the Chairman so if you see, hear smell anything, please report it to the Chairman or Helen asap.

The Chairman hopes we are all getting out on the river and enjoying the perfect fishing conditions.

Usk Fishing Association

The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park

Tel. 01873 810414

Join the UFA and help to safeguard the future of the River Usk.