Usk Fishing Association (UFA) membership is open to everyone with an enthusiasm for the river Usk catchment:
- Clubs, Associations, fishing tenants and riparian owners are all urged to join. Full membership is £50 p.a.
- Pubs, hotels, shops and businesses focussed on fishing (and other Usk catchment interests) are welcome at the corporate rate of £100 p.a.
- Individual anglers at a lower subscription of £20 p.a. - and people with an interest in the river Usk catchment are welcome too
As a member you will support the UFA as it represents your local fishing and other river Usk interests. Acting together as UFA, riparian owners, clubs and individual anglers can make strong representations to NRW (Natural Resources Wales), Welsh Government, elected representatives, and other authorities, and hold them to account. UFA will keep you informed on all of the important issues affecting the river Usk, and welcomes your opinions and shared knowledge of the river.
Your voice can be heard.
UFA encourages all river Usk catchment enthusiasts to join and would be delighted to welcome you.
The annual subscriptions are:
Personal | Club/Assoc./Riperian | Corporate |
£20.00 pa |
£50.00 pa |
£100.00 pa |
The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park
Tel. 01873 810414