Safeguarding the future of the river Usk.
River Usk news 4 weeks to 8 April 2022
Here is Jean Williams' report for the 4 weeks to 8 April 2022:
After the flooding in late February, the river gradually dropped during March, with quite a strong flow prevalent down the river. On warmer days there have been some reasonable hatches of Dark Olives, March
Brown and Grannom. Some trout up to 2 lb have been caught, usually on trout flies, but occasionally on salmon flies. A few salmon have been seen, but I have not heard of any early season catches.
Concern remains over water quality, with new groups forming to 'save the River Usk'. Sewage outflows by Dwr Cymru Welsh Water and various forms of agricultural pollution continue to be the main focus of attention.
However, it was a housing development at Abergavenny that recently came to the attention of the Courts. On 5 April Persimmon Homes were fined a total of £433,331 at Newport Magistrates Court for seven
pollution offences in 2019 and a further incident in February 2021. On each occasion the pollution was caused by water run off from the site, which had been contaminated by silt. The run off flowed into the River
Gavenny, a tributary of the Usk. Anglers are reminded that if they witness pollution or poaching, they should report the incident as soon as possible on the 24 hour Natural Resources Wales number
03000 653000. If practicable, it should also be filmed on a mobile phone.
As for prospects for June, for salmon a fly or spinner may be used. In the case of a spinner, it must be used with a single barbless hook with a gape of 13 mm or less. Salmon fishing on the Usk has for many years started slowly, but tends to pick up in May and June. For trout try a combination of a Light or Dark Sedge with a black Gnat as a dropper. Trout fishing tends to be at its best at dusk, with always the possibility of a sea trout as the light fades.
Note: Jean Williams runs the Sweets Fishing Tackle Shop in Usk town
The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park
Tel. 01873 810414