Safeguarding the future of the river Usk.
Prioress Mill Pumping Station
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water (DCWW) was recently asked about progress with the new Prioress Mill pumping station and abstraction of water during this dry period. Its response was that the new pumping station would not be finished until the end of this year.
In line with a NRW (Natural Resources Wales) request, DCWW will not be pumping from Prioress Mill throughout the summer (mid June to September). However, when it considers this very long shutdown in conjunction with the very dry start to the spring it isn’t in a position to reduce its abstraction. However, it is operating to its new abstraction licence, which means that it is only taking 10% of the river flow at the moment.
DCWW recognises this not the news we would want, but hopes we understand its position during this abnormal year while it completes the construction of the new pumping station at Prioress Mill.
If you want to see information about the construction have a look at .
The Chairman
The Estate Office
Glanusk Park
Tel. 01873 810414